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Level 2 ICU at SMH to Open Early 2021

Construction of a Level 2 ICU is well under way at Stevenson Memorial Hospital (SMH) and the new unit is set to open in January, 2021.

The timing has shifted slightly as it was slated to open in November, but the Hospital experienced some minor setbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic and complications with their dated infrastructure. With all structural work complete, construction of the new unit is continuing to move ahead and it is expected to be complete in the New Year.

“We are working hard to update our facility in a way that will meet the needs of our staff and patients in a growing community as we wait for a redeveloped Hospital,” says Jody Levac, President and CEO, SMH. “These updates are not easy to complete in a 1964 Hospital, but as always, we are striving for the best by promising progress and pursuing perfection.”

SMH has its sights on a five-bed Level 2 ICU unit in its Stage 2 redevelopment plans, which they are planning on submitting in the coming weeks.

“This is a short-term solution as we forge ahead with our plans to revitalize this Hospital,” says Levac. “We can’t compromise on the needs of this community and our staff and I look forward to opening this new space in the New Year.”

The Level 2 ICU Committee at SMH has recently made a decision on the new name of the unit. It will be referred to as the High Acuity Unit (HAU) going forward.

“The name reflects the types of patients that will be seen in the new unit, but also coincides with the training that our staff will be undertaking,” says Carrie Jeffreys, VP Clinical Services and CNE, SMH. “The patients that will be seen in the unit will require advanced care needs, meaning they will be of a higher acuity, and will be able to receive this care close to home.”

A Level 2 ICU cares for patients who have critical care needs, but are stable. Critical, unstable patients may need to be transferred to a regional facility.

The Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation is currently running its $43 million Because of you, we can capital campaign in support of the redevelopment project, equipment and technology needs. Of this goal, $30 million represents the local community share required to be fundraised. To support the campaign and provide a donation, please visit